Service and Delivery

Our drivers deliver every other week to most locations, or customers can be on a once-a-month schedule, or on a "Will-Call" basis.

Every Other Week - Our driver stops at your location and will deliver a minimum of two bottles of water.

Once A Month - Our driver stops and delivers a minimum of two bottles of water.

Will-Call - Our driver only stops when our office is called. The driver delivers water the next time he is in that area. Always call before you are out of water! A minimum of two bottles of water will be delivered.

When a driver stops, he will drop the minimum amount of water (two bottles). You must call before your delivery day to cancel a delivery.

Special Orders - If you will not be there when a driver stops, be sure to leave your empties where the driver can find them to avoid being charged a bottle deposit. If you want more or less water than the number of empties you have left out, please leave a large note for the driver or call the office before your delivery day.
*A driver will always leave 2 bottles even if no empties are there when he stops

Extra deliveries are not always possible, so please call the office if you are not sure of your next delivery day.

Billing - When a customer starts service, their first delivery will be C.O.D. We accept check, money order, or VISA/MasterCard. After the first delivery, we send monthly statements at the end of every month. Payment is due before the last day of the month.

Offering Rentals & Sales For Homes and Offices

  • Coolers (cold or hot water)
  • Bottled Water
  • Complete Coffee Service
  • Cups, Hot Cocoa, etc.
  • Filter - Point of Use Cooler